Monday, March 28, 2011

A Little Bride Love

I just received this email from our February 19th bride, and had to share...

Dear Jennifer,

Joey, my family, his family, our friends, me, and anyone who had to deal with me during our wedding planning, are so grateful for your help!  Every time we met, I was instantly put at ease because I knew you had everything under control and understood my “vision.”  Every time you met with me, and one of my family members, we would talk about how great you are.  Once you were in the picture, my mom kept saying I was back to my old self (which is a good thing).  I was better able to concentrate on what really matters – me marrying Joey – and not on the other stuff.    

Your advice was always spot on and so helpful, but not pressuring in the least.  I’m sure I don’t even know the extent of it, but your hard work made our wedding perfect.  I am so grateful for the amount of time and how hard you worked on our wedding. You tirelessly worked hard to make sure everything I suggested, asked about, etc. worked out perfectly.  Thank you so much for buying the candles, folding all the programs and tying the ribbons, folding each place card, picking up and delivering the pashminas, and all the other things you did that saved us so much time and were above and beyond! It was so nice being able to give you the programs, placecards, wedding day pictures of parents and grandparents, DVDs of slide show, CD of band break songs, and know they were going to be handled as planned.  It was so nice just not having to see them anymore and make sure they got to where they were supposed to go.

You were the perfect combination of calm, in charge, reassuring, listening, directing, and advising.  The rehearsal was so painless and quick.  Our wedding party was blown away by how little time we spent on tedious things at the rehearsal and on the wedding day, and we’re so grateful to be able to quickly and smoothly celebrate at the reception.   

I told you that I learned throughout wedding planning that I apparently have “control” issues and that I couldn’t imagine just being a guest at my own wedding and sure that everything was being taken care of and done correctly.  But I quickly learned that, because you of, that wouldn’t be the case.

The church looked perfect with the candles and floral arrangements, and everyone seated up front…just like I had asked.  No green cloth on the altar either ;)   

On the wedding day, I have NEVER felt so calm in my entire life.  I was so calm because everything had been taken care of early in the week, the rehearsal went perfectly, and I knew you would be in charge that day and not forget even one of the million things we discussed over those weeks.  I was worried that I would be a control freak at the rehearsal and be a bridezilla directing our friends/wedding party, but I didn’t have to at all because you took charge in a friendly way, and I actually had time to chat with our wedding party and family and just enjoy the rehearsal. I really appreciate you checking with the florist about the birch bark vases – it was so reassuring knowing you’d be checking on it and that you knew exactly what I was talking about it and that they’d be clean and uniform.

There were just so many little things that blew me away.  Putting in my sisters’ hair flowers, directing the limos, putting the champagne in the limos, spraying my dress with static guard, your emergency kits, and even passing out Listerine strips to the bridesmaids!

You answered every email quickly and thoughtfully.  You truly were a Godsend.  I was so worried that on my wedding day I wouldn’t be able to relax or enjoy and experience the true significance of the day because I’d be too involved in the planning of the day and making sure everything was done right.  But it wasn’t like that at all.  I felt SO taken care of, and all I had to do was go to my beauty appointment and get in the limo, and everything would be as I hoped.

Thank you so much for bringing your assistant along too.  That really helped.  I hope you take this as a compliment, but you really felt like an extremely helpful bridesmaid who happened to have wedding planning expertise.  I really enjoyed our time together.   I will definitely be recommending your services as a MUST for a successful wedding.

Maura (McGovern) Kantakevich
February 19, 2011

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